Justin will be turning 5 this summer, and Tyler will be 3 in September. It's incredible to watch them grow, but time is moving so fast! Justin graduated from preschool in May, and will be heading to kindergarten this fall.

While his dad and I know he is ready, this will be a completely new experience for all of us. He'll be attending a parochial school, complete with uniforms and bus service. He will go full days Monday through Friday, an experience we would not have gotten had we chosen the local public school system. It was a tough decision for us to make, but once it was made, it really felt like the right thing to do for our family. Justin is a little bit nervous, but that is to be expected.
The even bigger decision was for us to send Tyler to preschool. We've made the choice to have him attend the same school that Justin will be going to for preschool. He'll go 2 mornings a week for 2.5 hours, a total of 5 per week. He's really more than socially ready -- every time we drop Justin off at preschool, Tyler wants to check out all of the centers and is ready to jump in on the playground with the other kids. He's never spent any time away from Mommy, though, unless it's been with family for a few hours. Hopefully this won't be a tough transition for him. Of course he must be potty-trained to attend, and that's probably going to be the biggest challenge for our summer.
Here are some recent pictures of the boys, as taken by my talented friend
Becky Thompson.

It's gonna be a great summer.