Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Easter 2011, Smith Style

Holidays are always so much fun with little kids around. A little stressful, but fun nonetheless. The excitement in their little faces and their sheer joy is contagious. We attended an Easter egg hunt in our neighborhood this year, and it was Tyler's first time to participate. It was a beautiful day, albeit a little chilly. We set out with the wagon, wearing jackets, and everyone had a good time. The haul itself was a little disappointing -- the treats for kids 3 and under was nothing other than fruit snack pouches. From Sam's Club, nonetheless. There was no variety. If there weren't fruit snacks in the plastic eggs, there were two pennies. Give me a break, I'll give you my own two cents if it will go for better treats.

The boys got their faces painted and got to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap. It was fun despite the lame egg filling.

Some of the highlights:

A couple weekends later was the actual Easter holiday. It dawned gray and rainy and wet this year, so plans for an outside hunt were scrapped. We hid the eggs inside the house, and Justin and Tyler hunted for them with their cousin Leila. The bunny that visited here was a little more creative with treats. :)

Of course, The Bunny left baskets for both boys to find on Easter morning. They had a great time finding them and investigating the loot. I failed to get any really good pictures of them in their so-called Easter finery, so these will have to do.

It was a great Easter this year.

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