Thursday, October 7, 2010

A lot of firsts around here lately

I guess that's to be expected when your child is in his first year of life, or shortly after. Now that we've gotten through the first birthday, Tyler just got his first haircut. I've been having a hard time coming to terms with it for some reason, probably because the look a little boy has after his very first haircut is much more that of a KID and a BOY than a little baby. I guess I just wanted to hold on to his babyhood a little bit longer by leaving the precious strands intact on his head.

But today I went to Target and two people mistook him for a girl. The first time someone mistook him for a little girl was also at Target 2 weeks ago, so maybe I need to start shopping elsewhere? I digress. Despite the fact that he was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that said, "Gridiron Hero" with a picture of a football, his curls (and I suppose the length of them) belied his gender.

I came home and fed him some lunch and called to see if my hair stylist could cut it today, before I lost my nerve. So as soon as I combed the turkey out of his hair and wiped the fruit loop dust from his fingers, off we went. He really needed a nap but I wanted to get it over with.

He did pretty well. He sat in the chair all by himself and was pretty excited about seeing himself in the mirror. He wasn't a big fan of having water on his hair. Even a lollipop in his hand wouldn't distract him......what kid doesn't like a lollipop?

It was over with in no time. He looks positively adorable, but he definitely radiates "little boy" now instead of "baby".

1 comment:

  1. He's still adorable, and he'll ALWAYS be your baby :)

    For real, Charlie is 2+ and I still got a tight throat when I took him for a haircut on Saturday.
