Monday, October 18, 2010

Two in tubes

Tyler had his 12 month well visit a few weeks ago. Poor guy was suffering from an ear infection at the time, and this being his 7th ear infection since the beginning of the year (and third in 2 months), his doctor referred us to an ENT doctor for an evaluation.

We were able to get in the very next week and Dr. Cotton looked in both ears and reviewed his history. "Let's get some tubes in there and get him fixed up, okay?" he said in his British accent. "Handsome boy you've got there."

This resulted in a trip to Children's Hospital last Tuesday for the tube insertion. Despite the fact that Justin has had tubes put in three times, it never gets easier to watch your child go under anesthesia, or hand them over to the capable medical professionals. Tyler did beautifully, though, and the procedure only took 10 minutes.

One thing I don't understand about anesthesia is why it causes these little guys to wake up so crabby and beast-like. Tyler was mad when he woke up and let everyone know it!

Thankfully, the surgery is over and he bounced back to his normal happy self within a couple of hours. Let's hope this takes care of his nagging problems with his ears for a couple of years like his older brother before him.

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